I forget sometimes how marvelous my family is. And how lucky we are to all get along so well and genuinely enjoy one anothers company.
My female cousins are all in college now, which means that our interactions have escalated to the next level of camaraderie. They have grown into such lovely young women, each so distinct and decidedly themselves. My youngest cousin, Adam, is a towering 6-foot tall 16 year old (unheard of in my family--we are munchkins!) who is so talented an artist it is almost scary.
I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. I watched Adam and Katherine go from squeamish to heroic in their efforts to catch and hook worms for our many fishing trips on the pond. We caught and released bass and perch against a backdrop of singing (bun unseen) frogs, whiled away our days playing boggle, scrabble, and watching the hummingbirds and hawks do their dance against the sky.
I am a fancy fisherfolk.
We caught baby frogs and went running in the woods, we laughed until our sides ached and got to know each other all over.
Impromptu dance parties in the kitchen from which absurd amounts of gorgeous food constantly flowed into our bellies, late nights of cocktails and poker games, and excellent, top-notch conversations... We even hang glided at Kitty Hawk, off towering 100 foot dunes!
I came home feeling restored, despite the 104 degree day I landed in.
It's no secret, how low my spirits have been these past couple of months. But today, working in the triple digit heat, it hit me--I'm back.
I'm doing what I want to be doing: designing, consulting, and building beautiful landscapes. Reading books in bed. Entertaining friends. Smiling. Laughing. Loving.
It's not a bad gig, this life. Not bad at all.
I'm feeling grateful again, for all I've been given. I hope it sticks around awhile.
I am so glad that you had a great time at the reunion! It was so wonderful to get to be with you for a few days! This posting sounds more like the Frances we love to love. I am glad you are enjoying what you do -- that is the key to success, financial and emotional!
Great post! Love knowing you had a good time and enjoy family so much - we are indeed lucky. My beautiful orchid you sent in March has stopped blooming - do I feed it? Enjoy it every day!
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