This is fated to be quick and newsy, I'm afraid. My lust for writing has really dropped off these past few weeks.
Graduation came and went. I wore the regalia, as indicated in this lovely image taken by my mother:

Shortly after this photo was taken, I gave a little speech to satisfy the masses at the College of Architecture and Planning. That was fun, and people--I LOVE public speaking. It is one of my real gifts in life. If you can think of a career that would utilize this skill, I'd be grateful.
Mom, Dad, Paul, and a dear, dear friend Angel came up to celebrate with me. I was extremely happy to be surrounded by some of my most beloved people in the world, even if I was slightly disappointed that my frequent-flying grandparents did not make it.
Our family has never been known for nostalgia. I'm beginning to see where I get it, that weird familiar detachment thing. It is positively genetic.
A few fine gifts included an incredible, awesome camera (that really intimidates me)from Mom, Dad, and Chip, this insanely beautiful pen set from Angel and Colin:

and a few monetary infusions which will eventually add up to a new computer (I love my battleaxe, but she's a little worse for wear these days.)
Now, I just have to finish a bunch of coursework, like my thesis, so that I can graduate for real.
I've been working in the garden, even though it is gray, drizzling, and cold outside. Sadly, I've exposed myself to a great deal of poison ivy (while pilfering flagstones from the burned-out house next door), so I am off for my second round of vigorous scrubbing under extremely cold water.
Much love from the chilly Midwest.
Your frequently flying grandparents are sorry to know how disappointed you were when we didn't show up. It was that or our tiny contribution towards your new computer. Needless to say, we were thinking about you and are as proud of you as can be.
well looky at the new graduate. brett and i are doing something as soon as he rests from comps... yeah, i'm blaming my laziness on him. anyway, very proud. you'll never believe how committed i was to celebrating your special day.
You are a superstar. And you look smashing in your regalia. Wish I could have been there, but there is a teensy-weensy human attached to my chest.
I officially owe you one gradgitation dinner.
I'm still bummed I didn't make it to your graduation!! Congratulations sweet pea and I can't wait to spoil you rotten with homemade yummies the next time you're in town!!
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